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Leonid Skakovskiy. American-Kyrgyz cooperation in 2016: conclusions and prospects

The denunciation of the agreement on cooperation with the USA of 1993 (June 2015) complicated the relations between Washington and Bishkek. Nevertheless, both parties were disposed to talks [1]. On February, 9 2016 the US Ambassador in Kyrgyz Republic S. Gwaltney stated that Washington and Bishkek were going to conclude a new agreement on cooperation [2]. In April 2016, in the report on human rights situation the US State Department criticized the situation in KR.

In this regard, the Ministry of External Affairs of RK stated “Such documents have no purpose of an in-depth study of human rights situation in any country including Kyrgyzstan. Typically, they are inspired by geopolitical considerations” [3]. On October, 27 2016 the KR President A. Atambayev welcomed the US Under Secretary of State on political issues T. Shannon. The meeting was attended by the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State of the USA for Central Asia D. Rosenblum and Ambassador S. Gwaltney [4].  T. Shannon confirmed that the Kyrgyz Republic and the USA continue to work on the new agreement, and underlined that the former military base Manas is “of no interest to America” [5].


Economic cooperation

On August, 8 2016 the head of the Ministry of External Affairs of KR E. Abdyldayev had a meeting with the representatives of the General Electric and AGCO companies in Washington, they decided to create the American-Kyrgyz Business Council (AKBC) along with the Baker&McKenzie LLP [6]. In 2016 the cooperation within USAID continued:

  • On February, 25-27 the 12th annual International Agriculture exhibition Agro EXPO “Silk Way 2016” was held [7];
  • On March, 31 2016 the tourist resorts development organization “Karakol destination” presented the plans on development and promotion of Karakol town as an attractive and year-round resort. The initiative was held with the US support in the framework of the “USAID Business Growth Initiative” project (BGI) [8];
  • In March 2016 Kyrgyz travel companies presented their services at the Internationale Tourismus-Börse Berlin (ITB Berlin) trade fair and the Moscow International Travel Tourism exhibition (MITT). In partnership with the USA, companies signed the contracts for the 2016 tourist season within the “USAID Business Growth Initiative” project [9];
  • In June-September 2016 the USA supported a number of activities, which were aimed at networking among the KR agricultural producers and buyers, within the USAID Agro Horizon project. As a result of those meetings, the contracts worth $5,4 million were signed [10], etc.


Security cooperation

As in previous years, in 2016 the USA rendered practical assistance to the KR security agencies. In particular:

  • On January, 12-15 2016 г. the workers of the remand prison SIZO-1 (Bishkek city) were trained to use new X-ray equipment designated to be used at CHP. The equipment worth $100 thousand was provided by the USA within the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in KR, in the framework of the project of reinforcement of security systems in penal institutions [11].
  • On April, 4-5 2016 the US Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) experts shared their experience in supressing the illicit drug trafficking of synthetic drugs, and in addressing issues or prosecuting the perpetrators involved in distribution. The event was organized by UNODC [12]
  • On April, 11-15 the experts of the DEA Training Department under the US Ministry of Justice shared their experience on investigation of violations related to drugs, with investigators and other officials of State Drug Control services, State Custom services, and services of the State penal under the KR. The US Embassy in KR financed the event within the UNODC [13].
  • On October, 8-9 2016 the US and UK Embassies in KR published information on possible terrorist acts in KR. In this regard, the head of the President Press Service A. Usenov stated: “I don’t understand why they sent messages about terrorist attacks to mass media. They should have informed government and Security Agencies of Kyrgyz Republic” [14]. On October, 10 2016 the KR Deputy Foreign Minister E. Kaykiyev had a meeting with the US and UK ambassadors. The parties agreed to improve information exchange, and continue cooperation aimed at prevention and combating terrorism [15].

Summary. The analysis of the events that took place in 2016, leads to the conclusion that the USA and Kyrgyzstan are close to definitive recovery, and a new bilateral cooperation agreement. In general, the activation of a bilateral dialogue was caused by the following reasons: 1) the US presidential election (November, 8 2016), and 2) the Kyrgyz presidential election (2017). Probably, the renewal of leadership of both countries will provide a new impetus to bilateral relations.


  1. Токтоналиев Т. Американо-кыргызские отношения: восстановление или перезагрузка? //http://cabar.asia/ru/americano-kyrgyzskie-otnosheniya-vosstanovlenie-ili-perezagruzka/.
  2. Кыргызстан и США хотят заключить новое соглашение о сотрудничестве //https://tengrinews.kz/world_news/kyirgyizstan-ssha-hotyat-zaklyuchit-novoe-soglashenie-288735/.
  3. МИД Киргизии обвинил США в двойных стандартах и политическом шантаже //https://regnum.ru/news/international/2119918.html.
  4. Атамбаев встретился с заместителем госсекретаря США //http://rus.azattyq.org/a/28077788.html.
  5. Панфилова В. Военная база Манас не представляет интереса для США //Независимая газета, 28 октября 2016 г.
  6. Создание американо-кыргызского делового совета обсудили в США //http://ru.sputnik.kg/politics/20160808/1028442387.html.
  7. При поддержке USAID в Оше проходит 12-я международная выставка Агро Экспо «Шелковый путь 2016» //https://russian.bishkek.usembassy.gov/pr_usaid_supports_12_international_agro_expo_silk_road_2016_ru.html.
  8. США оказывают поддержку в развитии туризма в г.Каракол //https://russian.bishkek.usembassy.gov/pr_united_states_supports_tourism_development_in_karakol_ru.html.
  9. Кыргызские туристические компании и Соединенные Штаты Америки сотрудничают для привлечения новых клиентов на международных выставках //https://russian.bishkek.usembassy.gov/pr_kyrgyz_tourism_companies_united_states_work_together_to_attract_new_business_at_international_exhibitions_ru.html.
  10. USAID помогает сельхозпроизводителям Кыргызстана наладить связи с закупщиками //https://russian.bishkek.usembassy.gov/pr_usaid_helps_to_connect_kyrgyzstani_agricultural_producers_with_buyers_ru2.html.
  11. Обучение усилению процедур обеспечения безопасности в тюрьмах для сотрудников пенитенциарной службы //https://russian.bishkek.usembassy.gov/pr_enhancing_safety_procedures_in_prisons_ru2.html.
  12. Эксперты США и КР делятся опытом в борьбе с новыми наркотическими средствами //https://russian.bishkek.usembassy.gov/pr_us_and_kyrgyzstani_experts_share_experience_in_combatting_new_illicit_drugs_ru.html.
  13. Эксперты США совместно со следователями правоoхранительных органов Кыргызстана обсудят методы противодействия незаконному обороту наркотиков //https://russian.bishkek.usembassy.gov/pr_us_experts_team_with_kyrgyzstans_law_enforcement_investigators_on_met_hods_to_counter_illicit_drug_trafficking_ru.html.
  14. Богданов Ю. Бишкек не взяли в расчет //http://izvestia.ru/news/637672.
  15. Кыргызстан, США и Великобритания договорились продолжать совместную работу по борьбе с терроризмом //http://russian.people.com.cn/n3/2016/1011/c31519-9125179.html.

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